BOOKS - VEGETABLE GARDEN AND FARMING - Каракулеводство, технология производства карак...
Каракулеводство, технология производства каракуля и смушек - Сабденов К.С., Шаугимбаева Н.Н., Байбатшанов М.К, Каташева А., Кулатаев Б.Т. 2016 PDF Эверо BOOKS VEGETABLE GARDEN AND FARMING
US $8.85

Каракулеводство, технология производства каракуля и смушек
Author: Сабденов К.С., Шаугимбаева Н.Н., Байбатшанов М.К, Каташева А., Кулатаев Б.Т.
Year: 2016
Number of pages: 464
Format: PDF
File size: 123 MB

The textbook "Karakul breeding, technology for the production of karakul and smushki" was written according to the curriculum of the university in the specialty "Zootechnics" and "Technology for the production of livestock products." The textbook contains the state and prospects for the development of the industry. Characteristics of biological features and productive qualities of Karakul sheep and intrapartum types of different productivity direction are given. Feeding, maintenance and development technology are described in detail. The book is also useful for animal husbandry practitioners.

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