BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Николай Байбаков. Последний сталинский нарком...
Николай Байбаков. Последний сталинский нарком - Выжутович В. В. 2022 DJVU АФК «Система» BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
USDt 5.75


Николай Байбаков. Последний сталинский нарком
Author: Выжутович В. В.
Year: 2022
Format: DJVU
File size: 20.0 MB
Language: RU

In the history of the country, Nikolai Baibakov remained not as the long-term chairman of the USSR State Planning Commission, and not even as a political long-liver. His real name is the father of the oil and gas complex. It is Baibakov who today's Russia owes its raw materials power.

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