BOOKS - RELIGION - Вот б-ги твои, Израиль! Языческая религия евреев...
Вот б-ги твои, Израиль! Языческая религия евреев - Петров С. 2017 PDF CONV Издательские решения BOOKS RELIGION
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Вот б-ги твои, Израиль! Языческая религия евреев
Author: Петров С.
Year: 2017
Format: PDF CONV
File size: 10 MB

This book will tell you that in Judaism there are tens of thousands of gods, and not one, as you thought until now. You will learn from it how the deity of the sandstorm became the "god of Israel" and what fractions the biblical image of Yahweh is composed of the features of Baal and other Canaanite deities. This book, which presents in a popular science form the latest achievements of world biblical studies, will also tell you about many other things that can make you decisively reconsider your views on the religious history of mankind.

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