BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Военная мысль в терминах и определениях. В трех томах. Том...
Военная мысль в терминах и определениях. В трех томах. Том 3. Информатизация Вооруженных Сил - Тютюнников Н.Н. (Сост.) 2018 PDF М. Перо BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
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Военная мысль в терминах и определениях. В трех томах. Том 3. Информатизация Вооруженных Сил
Author: Тютюнников Н.Н. (Сост.)
Year: 2018
Format: PDF
File size: 21 MB
Language: RU

The dictionary is based on terms and definitions contained in articles by various authors published in the journal Military Thought over the past 20 years. The terms presented in the book and their interpretations should not be considered as basic concepts. In most cases, they reflect the point of view of the authors of the articles. Some terms and definitions are of a particular nature. Some definitions are derived from those established in regulatory documents. Many dictionary entries have already lost their relevance. This book is a good analytical material for conducting research in various fields of military affairs. The dictionary contains 2778 dictionary entries organized in 459 headings. The dictionary is based on 740 publications.

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