BOOKS - HEALTH AND MEDICINE - Анатомия, физиология и патология органов слуха, речи и ...
Анатомия, физиология и патология органов слуха, речи и зрения - Шипицына Л.М., Вартанян И.А. 2008 PDF Академия BOOKS HEALTH AND MEDICINE
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Анатомия, физиология и патология органов слуха, речи и зрения
Author: Шипицына Л.М., Вартанян И.А.
Year: 2008
Format: PDF
File size: 24 MB

The textbook provides basic data on the anatomy and physiology of the organs of hearing, vision and speech and their age characteristics. Methods for studying the functions of the auditory, visual and speech systems using modern diagnostic methods are described in detail. Various pathologies of the peripheral and central departments of the auditory, visual and speech systems and the causes leading to persistent disorders are considered. The issues of prevention, hygiene, correction and rehabilitation of various disorders of these systems in children were discussed. For students of higher education institutions. May be of interest to employees of special and educational institutions involved in the education and upbringing of children with sensory and speech disorders.

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