-------------------- YOULIBR - Комбинационные мотивы Блох М PDF 2003 BOOKS SELF-DEFENSE AND SPORT kombinacionnye-motivy
BOOKS - SELF-DEFENSE AND SPORT - Комбинационные мотивы
Комбинационные мотивы - Блох М 2003 PDF Экос BOOKS SELF-DEFENSE AND SPORT
US $5.62

Комбинационные мотивы
Author: Блох М
Year: 2003
Number of pages: 305
Format: PDF
File size: 100 MB
Language: RU

The ability to conduct tactical struggle is one of the most important components of a chess player's skill. It is necessary to study the theory of chess tactics, develop your combinational vision and improve the technique of calculating options. In the book offered to your attention, the author continues his research in this area, begun by the works "1200 combinations" (Moscow, 1992), "Combination art" (Moscow, 1993) and "Chess textbook" (Moscow, 1997). This book is devoted to a thorough systematization of combinational motives (weaknesses in position, as well as features of the location and interaction of figures), which make it possible to search for and implement a combination.

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