BOOKS - SCIENCE AND STUDY - Жуки Среднего Урала. Справочник определитель...
Жуки Среднего Урала. Справочник определитель - Горбунов П., Ольшванг В. 2008 PDF/DJVU "Сократ", Екатеринбург BOOKS SCIENCE AND STUDY
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Жуки Среднего Урала. Справочник определитель
Author: Горбунов П., Ольшванг В.
Year: 2008
Format: PDF/DJVU
File size: 74 MB
Language: RU
Genre: Биология

The reference guide provides brief information on 448 species of the most spectacular and interesting beetles known in the Middle Urals. Species essays characterize the external signs of adults and larvae, distribution and lifestyle. The essays complement 434 color photographs of beetles and larvae captured in a natural setting.

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