BOOKS - SCIENCE AND STUDY - Построение регрессионных эконометрических моделей (с прим...
Построение регрессионных эконометрических моделей (с примерами в Excel) - Воскобойников Ю.Е. 2014 PDF Новосибирск НГАСУ BOOKS SCIENCE AND STUDY
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Построение регрессионных эконометрических моделей (с примерами в Excel)
Author: Воскобойников Ю.Е.
Year: 2014
Format: PDF
File size: 22 MB
Language: RU

The textbook contains basic theoretical provisions on the following sections of econometrics: econometric models and econometric modeling, paired and multiple regression analysis. The required design ratios are given. Much attention is paid to the implementation of these relationships in the Excel spreadsheet processor. The manual contains a large number of examples and copies of fragments of Excel documents, which will allow students not only to better understand master the educational material, but also to effectively use Excel when performing term papers and theses.

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