BOOKS - ESOTERIC - Энциклопедия аномальных явлений мира...
Энциклопедия аномальных явлений мира - Непомнящий Н.Н. 2008 DJVU Москва Вече BOOKS ESOTERIC
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Энциклопедия аномальных явлений мира
Author: Непомнящий Н.Н.
Year: 2008
Format: DJVU
File size: 36 MB
Language: RU

The unique encyclopedia offered to readers contains the most mysterious anomalous phenomena of the world. All the most unknown, beyond scientific explanation, comes to life on the pages of this book. Who is Bigfoot? Are there man-eating plants? How to explain the phenomena of ghosts and poltergeist, the phenomena of clairvoyance and telepathy and much, much more? The real encyclopedia reads like an exciting action-packed novel.

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