BOOKS - HISTORY - Становление англиканской церкви в XVI - первые десятилетия XVII вв....
Становление англиканской церкви в XVI - первые десятилетия XVII вв. в освещении современной британской историографии -  2009 PDF Нижневартовск Изд-во Нижневарт. гуманит. ун-та BOOKS HISTORY
USDt 9.65


Становление англиканской церкви в XVI - первые десятилетия XVII вв. в освещении современной британской историографии
Year: 2009
Format: PDF
File size: 1,52 МB
Language: RU

The monograph describes various approaches to the study of the formation of the Anglican church in modern British historiography. The issues of the history of the Anglican Church in the XVI - the first decades of the XVII centuries are considered: the situation in the Church of England on the eve of the Reformation and after the break with Rome in 1534, the development of the Anglican Church in the middle and second half of the XVI century, as well as in the pre-revolutionary decades of the XVII century.

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