AUDIOBOOKS - FICTION - Запоздалый стрелок или Крылья провинциала...
Запоздалый стрелок или Крылья провинциала - Вадим Шефнер 2014  Аудиокнига своими руками AUDIOBOOKS FICTION
USDt 9.96


Запоздалый стрелок или Крылья провинциала
Author: Вадим Шефнер
Year: 2014
File size: 127.47 MB
Language: RU
Genre: Проза

"I think that careful contemplation of a square meter of a field or meadow, when the observer is in a state of peace of mind, gives consciousness a greater sense of space and fullness of life than thousand-kilometer crossings and flights and multiple changes of habitats. Everyone carries his own space"

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