BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Клиент всегда прав. Все о защите прав потребителей в России...
Клиент всегда прав. Все о защите прав потребителей в России - Нариньяни Алена, Довлатова Алеся 2014 RTF | FB2 Рипол классик BOOKS HUMANITIES
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Клиент всегда прав. Все о защите прав потребителей в России
Author: Нариньяни Алена, Довлатова Алеся
Year: 2014
Format: RTF | FB2
File size: 12 MB
Language: RU

Every person in the modern world is a consumer. Today you can buy anything from ordinary products to far from trivial services. But often, by purchasing a particular product or service, the buyer risks getting a product of completely inadequate quality. The oil can be spoiled, the TV broken and the service shoddy. The Consumer Protection Act is designed to protect the rights of buyers, who are often victims of unscrupulous sellers.

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