BOOKS - TECHNOLOGY - Двигатели Д-54А, Д-40Р и Д-75
Двигатели Д-54А, Д-40Р и Д-75 - X.А. Вейхман, И.А. Проскурнин, Г.А. Рыстенко, В.Т. Сепитый 1960 DJVU Машгиз BOOKS TECHNOLOGY
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Двигатели Д-54А, Д-40Р и Д-75
Author: X.А. Вейхман, И.А. Проскурнин, Г.А. Рыстенко, В.Т. Сепитый
Year: 1960
Format: DJVU
File size: 10,57 MB
Language: RU

The manual describes the design of the engines D-54A, D-40R and D-75, their maintenance and preventive maintenance during operation. The book is intended for motorists, mechanics and other persons involved in the operation of engines D-54A D-40R and D-75.