BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Атлас конструкций узлов и деталей машин...
Атлас конструкций узлов и деталей машин - Ряховский О.А., Леликов О.П.(ред.) 2009 PDF МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
USDt 6.98


Атлас конструкций узлов и деталей машин
Author: Ряховский О.А., Леликов О.П.(ред.)
Year: 2009
Format: PDF
File size: 189 MB
Language: RU

Modern designs of assemblies and parts of machines for general industrial use, as well as important reference data are given. Detachable and non-detachable connections, gearing gears (gear, worm, planetary, wave, pin), shafts, rolling and sliding bearings, couplings, as well as issues of tribotechnics are considered. Recommendations on execution of working drawings of typical machine parts are given. The materials presented in the atlas reflect modern trends in mechanical engineering.

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