BOOKS - FICTION - Серия "Ретромонохром" в 10 книгах
Серия "Ретромонохром" в 10 книгах - разные 2019 FB2 Самиздат. Компиляция BOOKS FICTION
US $8.74

Серия "Ретромонохром" в 10 книгах
Author: разные
Year: 2019
Number of pages: 1000+
Format: FB2
File size: 363 MB
Language: RU

The Retromonochrome series presents the best stories, the best storytellers in the world, domestic and foreign. These are fairy tales of our childhood and adolescence - fairy tales from our favorite old books, framed by our favorite illustrations. A unique compilation of the most famous and favorite fairy tales of all times and peoples, made this magnificent collection, a real connoisseur and collector of rarities, the Master, under the nickname CORVUS, for which many thanks to him. What is the peculiarity of the presented selection?

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