BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Ненормальные. Как найти равновесие в нашем безумном ми...
Ненормальные. Как найти равновесие в нашем безумном мире - Гордон Брайони 2021 EPUB | PDF ACT BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
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Ненормальные. Как найти равновесие в нашем безумном мире
Author: Гордон Брайони
Year: 2021
Format: EPUB | PDF
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU

From depression and anxiety to personality disorders: One in four of us experience mental health problems every year. Bryony Gordon, an English journalist and columnist for The Telegraph, tells personal stories about overcoming crisis situations. Provides practices to address sleep, anxiety and intrusive thoughts, self-esteem and boundary setting. Before us is an honest and direct guide to mental health that will help everyone feel better, stronger and less alone.

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