BOOKS - HISTORY - Историческая реконструкция восточных славян...
Историческая реконструкция восточных славян - Белов Юрий 2000 FB2 СПб. Питер BOOKS HISTORY
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Историческая реконструкция восточных славян
Author: Белов Юрий
Year: 2000
Format: FB2
File size: 14 MB
Language: RU

How did our Slavic ancestors live a thousand years ago? What did you look like, what did you believe in, what rituals were carried out, how did you farm and fight enemies? Anyway: how is it to live, for example, in the ninth century? You can read about all this in books. But there is only one way to experience it - to become a reenactor. The historical reconstruction movement gathers more and more history lovers every year. How to join him? What to sew a suit from? How to make real chain mail? Where are Old Russian warriors trained today? This book will answer all the questions of the newcomer-reenactor.

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