BOOKS - RELIGION - Иллюстрированная библейская энциклопедия...
Иллюстрированная библейская энциклопедия - архимандрит Никифор (Бажанов) 2016 PDF Эксмо BOOKS RELIGION
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Иллюстрированная библейская энциклопедия
Author: архимандрит Никифор (Бажанов)
Year: 2016
Format: PDF
File size: 53 MB

Almost 1500 articles in all areas of biblical knowledge. More than 400 illustrations. About 7,500 explanations of various names, concepts and topics. The Illustrated Bible Encyclopedia is a unique reference work on the Bible. The articles of the encyclopedia cover all areas of biblical knowledge: archeology, architecture, astronomy, geography, botany, zoology, mathematics, medicine, numismatics, pedagogy, etc. The book contains biographies of all persons of the Bible and explains the theological terms necessary for understanding the Holy Scriptures. designed for the widest range of readers.

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