MAGAZINES - HEALTH - Народный лекарь. Спецвыпуск
Народный лекарь. Спецвыпуск -  2015 / Сентябрь PDF ИД Питер-МедиаПресс MAGAZINES HEALTH
USDt 8.98


Народный лекарь. Спецвыпуск
Year: 2015 / Сентябрь
Format: PDF
File size: 53 MB
Language: RU

People's Doctor - a magazine that contains a collection of the best health recipes. The theme of the issue is Female Tumors. Juices cured mastopathy, Fungal infusion from fibroids, Reduce estrogen activity, Recipe for a female balm, Clay defeats endometriosis - these and many other issues are considered in this issue of the popular publication.

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