BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Кузнечно-штамповочное производство...
Кузнечно-штамповочное производство - Константинов И.Л., Сидельников С.Б. 2014 PDF М. НИЦ Инфра-М; Красноярск СФУ BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
US $8.88

Кузнечно-штамповочное производство
Author: Константинов И.Л., Сидельников С.Б.
Year: 2014
Number of pages: 464
Format: PDF
File size: 50 MB
Language: RU

The textbook sets out the basics of forging and stamping. Materials and tools for forging and stamping are considered, as well as basic principles and operations of technological processes of forging and stamping. Each chapter contains test questions and self-test tasks.

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