BOOKS - BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS - Фиолетовая корова. Сделайте свой бизнес выдающимся!...
Фиолетовая корова. Сделайте свой бизнес выдающимся! - Годин С. 2013 PDF Манн, Иванов и Фербер BOOKS BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS
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Фиолетовая корова. Сделайте свой бизнес выдающимся!
Author: Годин С.
Year: 2013
Format: PDF
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU

You don't have to spend a lot of money on advertising if your offer to customers is unique and your marketing is viral. Anything other than most catches the eye and sets you apart. After all, even atypical colors can provoke unprecedented interest - imagine, for example, a purple cow among ordinary black, white and brown. Be sure: you can always stand out, you just need to think about what no one has done in your industry yet.

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