BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Техника и приборы сверхвысоких частот Учебник для техник...
Техника и приборы сверхвысоких частот Учебник для техникумов -  1994 DJVU | PDF М, Радио и связь BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
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Техника и приборы сверхвысоких частот Учебник для техникумов
Year: 1994
Format: DJVU | PDF
File size: 10 MB

The principles of operation of passive SHF devices, socs ~ given on the basis of various transmission lines, resonators and deceleration systems, as well as control devices, generators and amplifiers of SHF signals on vacuum and semiconductor electronic devices are considered. For students of secondary educational institutions in the specialty "Equipment and microwave devices."

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