BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Раскрытие безграничных возможностей, или Сюрприз от пр...
Раскрытие безграничных возможностей, или Сюрприз от предков. Уникальная технология - Наталья Цветкова 2009 FB2 | RTF | DOC Центрполиграф BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
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Раскрытие безграничных возможностей, или Сюрприз от предков. Уникальная технология
Author: Наталья Цветкова
Year: 2009
Format: FB2 | RTF | DOC
File size: 13 MB
Language: RU

The book describes 4 main stereotypes that prevent us from realizing our potential and getting rich without losing our peace of mind and joy of life. Thanks to the book, you will learn to see your stereotypical thoughts and actions and will be able to completely free yourself from them and embark on the path of wealth and life satisfaction.

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