BOOKS - RELIGION - Калачакра Тантра. Книга 1. Вселенная
Калачакра Тантра. Книга 1. Вселенная - Дылыкова-Парфионович В. С. (Ред.) 2018 PDF М. Союз Дизайн BOOKS RELIGION
USDT 6.65


Калачакра Тантра. Книга 1. Вселенная
Author: Дылыкова-Парфионович В. С. (Ред.)
Year: 2018
Format: PDF
File size: 35,4 MB
Language: RU

The monograph presents a translation from the Tibetan language of the first book (chapter) of the Kalachakra Tantra dedicated to the Universe. The text is supplemented by translations of two cosmogonic treatises from the Tibetan Canon and the White Beryl, as well as author's materials describing ideas about the picture of the world in India and Tibet in the Middle Ages. The book was published with the blessing of His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV.

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