BOOKS - RELIGION - Остромирово Евангелие 1056—1057 года. По изданию А.Х. Востокова...
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Остромирово Евангелие 1056—1057 года. По изданию А.Х. Востокова
Author: Коллектив авторов
Year: 2007
Number of pages: 968
Format: PDF
File size: 28 MB
Language: русский, старославянский
Year: 2007
Number of pages: 968
Format: PDF
File size: 28 MB
Language: русский, старославянский
The Ostromir Gospel is the oldest monument of East Slavic book writing dating from 1056-1057. Its data is invaluable - both for language historians and art historians. The classical edition of A. X. Vostokov (1845), exemplary as a scientific publication, has long become a rarity. For this reprint, the publication was again checked against the manuscript (reconciliation was carried out by R. N. Krivko), the typos identified are given in a separate list