BOOKS - HISTORY - Ключ к разрешению польского вопроса или почему Польша не могла и не...
Ключ к разрешению польского вопроса или почему Польша не могла и не может существовать как самостоятельное государство - Смит Фридрих 1866 PDF Военная типография BOOKS HISTORY
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Ключ к разрешению польского вопроса или почему Польша не могла и не может существовать как самостоятельное государство
Author: Смит Фридрих
Year: 1866
Format: PDF
File size: 23 MB
Language: RU
Genre: история

To properly judge the actions and deeds of people, you need to look at the initial origin of these actions. The actions of people arise from their concept of things and from their natural nature: if you can accurately determine both, then you can also guess in advance the subsequent course of actions of people. Thus, instead of superficially interpreting the Poles at random, he should pay attention to their original character, to the properties and inclinations granted to them or taken away from them by nature. From here it will be clearly revealed to us how the Poles judge and understand things, and at the same time the source of their course of action will be revealed.

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