BOOKS - FICTION - Серия "Новый психологический триллер" в 6 книгах...
Серия "Новый психологический триллер" в 6 книгах - разные 2019-2021 FB2 Москва BOOKS FICTION
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Серия "Новый психологический триллер" в 6 книгах
Author: разные
Year: 2019-2021
Format: FB2
File size: 15 MB
Language: RU

The book series "New Psychological Thriller" combines high-quality action-packed works from new, only appearing in Russian, popular foreign authors. This is a series of books that from the first pages cause a storm of emotions and drag riddles and unexpected plot twists into the maelstrom. It will seem to readers more than once that they have solved the riddle, but the next page can radically change the situation!

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