BOOKS - CULTURE AND ARTS - Археологические раскопки в Ленинграде К характеристике кул...
Археологические раскопки в Ленинграде К характеристике культуры и быта населения Петербурга XVIII в. - Грач А.Д. 1957 DJVU Академия наук СССР BOOKS CULTURE AND ARTS
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Археологические раскопки в Ленинграде К характеристике культуры и быта населения Петербурга XVIII в.
Author: Грач А.Д.
Year: 1957
Format: DJVU
File size: 63 MB
Language: RU

In 1952, the Institute of Ethnography named after N.N. Miklukho-Maclay of the USSR Academy of Sciences on Strelka Vasilyevsky Island for the first time in Leningrad carried out conservation archaeological excavations of monuments of the XVIII century. These studies made it possible to obtain interesting historical and ethnographic material characterizing the life of various layers of the population of St. Petersburg of the XVIII century.

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