BOOKS - FICTION - Младофранки. Новеллы. Сказки. в 2 кн. Кн. I-II + Дополнительный том...
Младофранки. Новеллы. Сказки. в 2 кн. Кн. I-II + Дополнительный том - Готье Теофиль 2022 DJVU Ладомир BOOKS FICTION
US $7.93

Младофранки. Новеллы. Сказки. в 2 кн. Кн. I-II + Дополнительный том
Author: Готье Теофиль
Year: 2022
Number of pages: 627+415+435
Format: DJVU
File size: 99.5 MB
Language: RU

"Young Francs," in essence, the book of the "artist" about the "artists," a parody squared. The world of Gauthier is the world of the artist, seen through his eyes and captured by him, bright paintings of Parisian life, snatched from the stream of time and carefully transferred to the canvas; it is often a word story likened to a graphic image, a kind of ekphrasis inside out.

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