BOOKS - SCIENCE AND STUDY - Большая детская электронная энциклопедия. Том 07. Земля...
Большая детская электронная энциклопедия. Том 07. Земля -  2006 ISO МастерМедиа BOOKS SCIENCE AND STUDY
USDt 9.98


Большая детская электронная энциклопедия. Том 07. Земля
Year: 2006
Format: ISO
File size: 135МВ
Language: RU

This volume is written by a group of scientists working in the field of earth sciences. It is unlikely that in our time one person could make it, even if he was a super-scientist and spent many years on it. The task of the encyclopedia is to tell readers the main thing that we know now about our planet, its shape and size, the structure of the bowels, the relief of the surface, the composition and properties of the water and air shells, the living nature of the Earth - about the biosphere.

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