BOOKS - HISTORY - Венеты. Славяне. Русь. Историко-этимологические и палеографические ...
Венеты. Славяне. Русь. Историко-этимологические и палеографические проблемы - Леднёв В. 2010 PDF Москва BOOKS HISTORY
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Венеты. Славяне. Русь. Историко-этимологические и палеографические проблемы
Author: Леднёв В.
Year: 2010
Format: PDF
File size: 12 MB

Together with the author you will walk along the roads of Europe from the II millennium BC. e. to the present day, looking back at the historical neighbors of our ancestors, thinking about only slightly changing letters and words of the Venetian-Slavic-Russian language. Vadim Semenovich LEDNEV, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education made a revolution in Slavic studies: in his books "Veneta, Slovena, Anta" and "Veneta. Slavs. Rus" he substantiated the primacy of the Russian-Venetian peoples in creating the world's first alphabet (where each sound of speech has its own letter). The Russian-Venetian alphabet is the most developed system of alphanumeric writing in the world, which, in principle, has not changed (in its Eastern Slavic version) to this day. B.C. Lednev also staged a coup in the view of historians on the past, creating and substantiating the concept of a single Veneto-Slavic-Russian people, which allows debunking the fiction about the youth of the Slavic peoples and their late appearance in Europe. Thus, Lednev, remaining in academic positions, created the prerequisites for extending the history of the Russian people for thousands of years.

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