BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Омоияри. Маленькая книга японской философии общения...
Омоияри. Маленькая книга японской философии общения - Эрин Ниими Лонгхёрст 2021 FB2 | RTF Язык РусскийЗабота, внимание и эмпатия лежат в основе всех аспектов повседневной жизни в Японии. Сущ BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
USDt 6.53


Омоияри. Маленькая книга японской философии общения
Author: Эрин Ниими Лонгхёрст
Year: 2021
Format: FB2 | RTF
File size: 22 MB
Language: RU

Care, attention and empathy are at the heart of all aspects of daily life in Japan. There are many ways in which the Japanese emphasize the importance of human connections and mutual assistance: omotenashi (the traditional art of hospitality), kirei (cleanliness and order), mottainai (thrift and respect for things), and zakka (search for beauty in trifles). The book by Japanese-British writer Erin Niimi Longhurst will help you become more conscious, happier and kinder, bringing elements of Japanese culture and worldview into your life. The publication contains many color photographs and illustrations by the popular contemporary Japanese artist Ryo Takemasa.

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