BOOKS - HISTORY - Из истории крестьянства на севере феодальной России ХVII в....
Из истории крестьянства на севере феодальной России ХVII в. - Огризко З.А. 1968 PDF | DJVU Советская Россия BOOKS HISTORY
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Из истории крестьянства на севере феодальной России ХVII в.
Author: Огризко З.А.
Year: 1968
Format: PDF | DJVU
File size: 11,41 MB
Language: RU

For the period of feudalism, this topic is defined as the study of the history of the peasantry in various aspects: the history of the peasant economy, the anti-repost struggle of the peasantry, the role of the peasantry in the cultural and historical process. The vast spaces of feudal Russia make it necessary to study this topic in separate regions. In this regard, the study of the history of the peasantry of the Russian North is of some interest, where the nature of socio-economic development was determined by the peculiarities of the situation of the peasants and at the same time determined these features. The purpose of this work is to study the patterns of development of one group of the northern peasantry - the ladles and thereby provide material for solving some part of the general problem - the history of the peasantry of feudal Russia.

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