BOOKS - HEALTH AND MEDICINE - Миокардиальные мостики
Миокардиальные мостики - Бокерия Л.А., Суханов С.Г., Стерник Л.И., Шатахян М.П. 2013 DJVU НЦССХ им. А. Н. Бакулева РАМН BOOKS HEALTH AND MEDICINE
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Миокардиальные мостики
Author: Бокерия Л.А., Суханов С.Г., Стерник Л.И., Шатахян М.П.
Year: 2013
Format: DJVU
File size: 10,3 MB
Language: RU

Myocardial Bridges, ed., Bokeria L.A., et al., examines coronary artery abnormalities. The questions of anatomy, pathophysiology of myocardial bridges are presented. Algorithms and principles of diagnosis, possibilities of open surgical treatment, pharmacotherapy, as well as endovascular therapy are described. Coronary bypass grafting technique in patients at risk is presented. For cardiologists. cardiac surgeons.