BOOKS - WEB-CREATION - HTML 5, CSS 3 и Web 2.0. Разработка совреме...
HTML 5, CSS 3 и Web 2.0. Разработка современных Web-сайтов - Дронов В. 2011 PDF СПб. БХВ-Петербург BOOKS WEB-CREATION
US $9.72

HTML 5, CSS 3 и Web 2.0. Разработка современных Web-сайтов
Author: Дронов В.
Year: 2011
Format: PDF
File size: 11 MB
Language: RU

A practical guide to creating modern Web sites that comply with the Web 2.0 concept Describes the HTML 5 and CSS 3 languages ​ ​ used, respectively, to create content and present Web pages. The principles of Web programming in the j & # 097; vascript language using the Ext Core library are given. It describes how to create interactive Web pages, provides examples of interactive elements that make Web pages more convenient for the visitor. Disclosed are issues of implementing loaded and generated content, semantic markup, using databases to form Web pages. Shows how to extend the functionality of Web sites using Web forms, controls, freely positioned elements and software drawing using HTML 5

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