BOOKS - NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES - Популярный самоучитель работы в Интернете...
Популярный самоучитель работы в Интернете - Геннадий Кондратьев 2005 PDF Питер BOOKS NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES
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Популярный самоучитель работы в Интернете
Author: Геннадий Кондратьев
Year: 2005
Format: PDF
File size: 40,6 MB
Language: RU

Gennady Kondratyev's book is the most fun self-taught on the Internet in the world. Email, browsers, chats, ICQ, subtleties and tricks of working on the Web - everything is at your service, funny, entertaining, equipped with cartoons and jokes. Grab the book in an armful, and go ahead - to the vastness of global networks!

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