BOOKS - HOME AND FAMILY - Green Housekeeping Recipes and solutions for a cleaner, mor...
Green Housekeeping Recipes and solutions for a cleaner, more sustainable home - Christina Strutt 2019 EPUB CICO Books BOOKS HOME AND FAMILY
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Green Housekeeping Recipes and solutions for a cleaner, more sustainable home
Author: Christina Strutt
Year: 2019
Format: EPUB
File size: 45 MB
Language: ENG

Saving the planet for future generations is a laudable aim, but what about the current populace? Why wait when even quite small lifestyle changes can make a big difference now? Green Housekeeping is full of advice and information to help you take a more sustainable path. Recycling, reusing, and shopping at farmers’ markets are a good start, but cutting down on the use of poisonous chemicals is just as important—it’s perfectly possible to clean a house using nothing more than lemons, baking soda, vinegar, and plain water.

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