BOOKS - HISTORY - История населённых пунктов Украины Середино-Будский район Сумской о...
История населённых пунктов Украины Середино-Будский район Сумской области
Author: Чухно В.Е.
Year: 2013
Format: PDF
File size: 15 MB
Language: RU
Year: 2013
Format: PDF
File size: 15 MB
Language: RU
This book contains brief information about the settlement of the Seredino-Budsky district of the Sumy region, the time of foundation of most of its settlements, their pre-revolutionary history, the number of residents living in them, etc. It contains biographies of the most famous natives of Seredinobudshchina, brief information about some founders of farms and villages, portraits of a number of owners of settlements, etc. The book is written in the language of the majority of the population of the Seredino-Budsky district. It has a reference character and will be interesting not only to residents of Seredinobudshchyna, but also to everyone who is interested in the history of Ukraine.