BOOKS - VEGETABLE GARDEN AND FARMING - Справочник работника зеленого строительства...
Справочник работника зеленого строительства - .А. Лаптев, Б.А. Глазачев, А.С. Маяк 1984 DJVU | PDF Будiвельник BOOKS VEGETABLE GARDEN AND FARMING
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Справочник работника зеленого строительства
Author: .А. Лаптев, Б.А. Глазачев, А.С. Маяк
Year: 1984
Format: DJVU | PDF
File size: 10,21 MB
Language: RU

The handbook provides basic information on the classification of green spaces and their characteristics. Recommendations are given on the design of green spaces, on soil preparation, planting and sowing plants, regulatory data on the consumption of seeds, seedlings, mineral fertilizers. Regulatory data are given as of January 1, 1984. The directory is designed for specialists in green construction, landscape architecture and landscape gardening.

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