BOOKS - CULTURE AND ARTS - Сакральные древности Крыма. Мифы, легенды, символы, имена ...
Сакральные древности Крыма. Мифы, легенды, символы, имена и их отражение в искусстве
Author: Фадеева Т.М.
Year: 2017
Format: PDF
File size: 11 MB
Year: 2017
Format: PDF
File size: 11 MB
Recent research on the Black Sea Flood has contributed to new readings of ancient texts. They reinforce what some scientists guessed in the 18th-20th centuries: the main events of the ancient picture of the world unfolded on the Black Sea. Far in the North was the blessed country, from where Apollo of Hyperborea flew to Greece annually; in the Northern Black Sea region Hercules wandered; Iphigenia was transferred to Tauris, and Achilles to Bely Island (Levka); Argonauts and Odysseus sailed along Euxine, passing through the Cimmerian (Kerch) Strait, which looked completely different: instead of Crimea and Taman, there was an archipelago of seven Atlantic islands, of which one plunged into the abyss, although it was reproduced on the maps of Ptolemy until the 15th century.