BOOKS - CULTURE AND ARTS - История Великой Китайской стены...
История Великой Китайской стены - Хэ Чанлин 2016 PDF/EPUB/FB2/RTF Язык РусскийВеликая Китайская стена – символ китайской нации, чудо света и поистине грандиозное твор BOOKS CULTURE AND ARTS
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История Великой Китайской стены
Author: Хэ Чанлин
Year: 2016
File size: 10.1 MB
Language: RU

The Great Wall of China is a symbol of the Chinese nation, a miracle of the world and a truly grandiose creation of human hands. From this book you will learn how and why the Great Wall was built, what happened to it over the millennia, how it influenced Chinese culture and what lies behind its greatness. The publication is intended for a wide range of readers.

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