MAGAZINES - HUMANITARIANS - Православные монастыри. Путешествие по святым местам 2018...
Православные монастыри. Путешествие по святым местам 2018 №10. Свято-Троицкий Серафимо-Дивеевский монастырь -  2010 / 11 PDF Де Агостини MAGAZINES HUMANITARIANS
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Православные монастыри. Путешествие по святым местам 2018 №10. Свято-Троицкий Серафимо-Дивеевский монастырь
Year: 2010 / 11
Format: PDF
File size: 19 MB
Language: RU

The new collection of the publishing house "De Agostini" invites you to get acquainted in more detail with the famous Orthodox monasteries of the world. With the help of updated issues of the series, each of which is dedicated to a separate monastery, you will learn about the history of the creation of monasteries, what they lived with throughout their existence, what significant historical events and outstanding people are associated with, get acquainted with unique architectural monuments and ancient icons, as well as with other Orthodox shrines stored in the monastery walls. Each issue of the series consists of 7 permanent sections introducing the history and main attractions of the monastery: "History," "Ascetics," "Guide," "Miracles," "Shrines," "Monastery and Peace," "Monastery Life."

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