BOOKS - HOBBIES - Твоя коллекция монет. Из истории российских денег. Занимательная ну...
Твоя коллекция монет. Из истории российских денег. Занимательная нумизматика - Кондратьев Д.Л. 2004 PDF Детская литература BOOKS HOBBIES
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Твоя коллекция монет. Из истории российских денег. Занимательная нумизматика
Author: Кондратьев Д.Л.
Year: 2004
Format: PDF
File size: 20 MB
Language: RU

What is this book about? In short, about money (about efims, goldsmiths, hryvnias, rubles, chervonets, etc.). And speaking of money, one cannot but say about numismatics. Numismatics is the subject of study of images (types), inscriptions (legends) and systems of ancient, medieval and new coins and medals and is considered one of the so-called auxiliary historical sciences. With the help of numismatics, previously unknown names were discovered, many historical events were restored.

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