BOOKS - SCIENCE FICTION - Серия - Новые Герои + Новые герои. Коллекция (160 книг)...
Серия - Новые Герои + Новые герои. Коллекция (160 книг) - Коллектив 2010-2018 FB2 ZIP Москва BOOKS SCIENCE FICTION
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Серия - Новые Герои + Новые герои. Коллекция (160 книг)
Author: Коллектив
Year: 2010-2018
Format: FB2 ZIP
File size: 101,0 MB
Language: RU

Series of books New Heroes - fiction of domestic authors. The heroes of the books are young people in fantastic situations. How youth helps them get out, what advantages it gives, you will learn from these books. Almost all books in the series are about the now popular Popadans. New Heroes. The collection is a series of omnibuses, in which not only cycles previously published in the New Heroes series were published, but also from other series.

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