BOOKS - HOBBIES - Разумное собаководство. Советы ветеринара, как воспитать и вырастит...
Разумное собаководство. Советы ветеринара, как воспитать и вырастить щенка здоровым
Author: Полина Платонова
Year: 2022
Format: FB2 | RTF
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU
Year: 2022
Format: FB2 | RTF
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU
How to choose a puppy and raise it not only raised, but also healthy? How and how to feed the pet correctly and avoid eating disorders or poisoning? How can a dog get sick and how to treat it? And in general, how to save your pet from the "dog" life? In the book of the famous veterinarian and blogger Lina Vet, you will find dozens of specific answers to the most difficult questions that dog breeders face at different stages of their pet's development. Love, but do no harm - here is the main advice to millions of dog owners from the author of the book.