MAGAZINES - HUMANITARIANS - Народный совет. Спецвыпуск Ваши льготы №2 (2016)...
Народный совет. Спецвыпуск Ваши льготы №2 (2016) -  2016 / октябрь PDF Бауэр Медиа MAGAZINES HUMANITARIANS
US $5.50

Народный совет. Спецвыпуск Ваши льготы №2 (2016)
Year: 2016 / октябрь
Number of pages: 50
Format: PDF
File size: 18,6 MB
Language: RU

Pension legislation is one of the most difficult in Russia, it is almost impossible for an ordinary person to understand it without help and preparation. And also the reform, which began in 2015, confused many. The media talk about all the changes superficially. That is why the editorial board of the newspaper "People's Council" decided to publish this magazine and put everything on the shelves...

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