BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Одвуконь два статьи
Одвуконь два статьи - Гуль Р. Б. 2019 PDF Москва ; Берлин Директ-Медиа BOOKS HUMANITIES
US $8.60

Одвуконь два статьи
Author: Гуль Р. Б.
Year: 2019
Number of pages: 150
Format: PDF
File size: 14 MB
Language: RU
Genre: Литературоведение

This book, dedicated to Russian emigrant and Soviet literature, is a continuation of the collection of articles "Odvukon," published in New York in 1973. Why exactly this name was given to the book, its author - writer and publicist, a prominent figure in the Russian diaspora Roman Borisovich Gul (1896-1986), explained in the Preface to the first book, using Dahl's famous explanatory dictionary: "To ride a two-horse or a two-horse, on horseback, with a henchman or a spare horse...."

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