BOOKS - NATURAL SCIENCES - Кристаллография и минералогия
Кристаллография и минералогия - Сергеева В.В. 2017 PDF Екатеринбург Изд-во Урал. ун-та BOOKS NATURAL SCIENCES
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Кристаллография и минералогия
Author: Сергеева В.В.
Year: 2017
Format: PDF
File size: 29 MB
Language: RU

The manual addresses issues and basic laws of crystallography and mineralogy. The chapter "Geometric crystallography" contains a description of crystals, their general properties, elements and types of symmetry, syngony, simple forms of crystals of the lowest, middle and highest categories. The chapter "Mineralogy" provides a classification of minerals, a description of their properties and a description scheme. The method and procedure for students to perform control measures (test work, homework, calculation and graphic work) are also considered, options for tasks are given.