BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Ваш мозг способен на всё! Простые упражнения по тренир...
Ваш мозг способен на всё! Простые упражнения по тренировке памяти и внимания за 30 дней
Author: Борис Конрад
Year: 2024
Format: PDF | EPUB
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU
Year: 2024
Format: PDF | EPUB
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU
The book of the famous expert in the field of memory work, world champion in mnemonics Boris Nikolai Konrad summarizes his experience gained over almost 20 years of memorization training and contains simple and effective recommendations. In a short time, you will be able to achieve significant success in mastering the skills of memorization in everyday life, "increase the space" in the brain, gain calm and confidence, improve your memory and quality of life in general. "I hope this book will be your "instructions for using the brain" and will show you how to use and train memory, how to reduce stress, become calmer and more focused, and in the future, confidently use the brain for what it is intended for. So you will learn to solve tasks that are difficult for most people, because only a few know what and how can be improved." (Boris Nikolay Konrad)