BOOKS - CULTURE AND ARTS - Музыкальная этнография методология и методика...
Музыкальная этнография методология и методика - Чекановска Анна 1983 PDF Советский композитор BOOKS CULTURE AND ARTS
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Музыкальная этнография методология и методика
Author: Чекановска Анна
Year: 1983
Format: PDF
File size: 11.4 MB
Language: RU

The book offered to the reader is a revised course of lectures "Introduction to Musical Ethnography," which was read in 1963-1970 at the Institute of Musicology at the University of Warsaw. The book in a wide scope takes into account general cultural issues (social, anthropological, etc.), which directly determines the creative, in particular the musical activity of a person, differs in the most comprehensive account of world musical material. A significant concern of the author was to connect analytical issues with the foundations of cultural interpretation.

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